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Clean Your Furnace

A look at the 10-day forecast says that we’re nearing the end of summer temperatures here in West Texas. They’ve actually hung on longer than usual this year. We’re still about a month away from our typical first freeze that happens around the end of October.

It’s not too early to be sure your furnace is ready to warm you up when the temperatures cool down. Annual maintenance on our heating and cooling system saves us hundreds (if not thousands) in costly repairs. Preventing problems before they happen is always the best strategy.

If you’re going to take a peek inside your furnace, first turn off the gas and the power to the unit. Always be safe.

Check the filter. If you’ve not changed it over the summer, you’ll find it to be quite dirty. Replace it with a fresh filter. The super cheap ones for .99 cents aren’t worth having. The pleated filters that are in the $5-$6 range are a good bet as they trap dust and particulates without putting excessive restrictions on air flow. A fresh filter does wonders. It keeps your equipment clean and seriously improves the quality of your interior air. If your system is breathing well, you’ll be breathing better.

Be careful not to install a filter that is too thick. That makes your cooling system work harder to pull the air through, causing a spike in the amperage. That can be bad for your equipment.

Vacuum any dust and debris you see. Make use of those attachments on your vacuum and suck up all the dirt and dust in and around the furnace. Also, check the return air and delivery air vents in your home. Is there dust accumulating on them? Using the brush attachment, vacuum all the vents. If you’ve not been regularly changing your filter over the season, expect to see a lot of dirt there.

Look at the blower fan. Vacuum it if you can. Otherwise wipe it down with a cloth. The goal, of course, is to rid the system of as much dirt as possible. That’s why your filter is the first line of defense. Dirt that isn’t trapped at the point of entry flows through to the blower and condenser. When dirt and grime accumulate on these interior components of your system it will eventually cause damage. Maybe expensive damage.

Have your equipment inspected by professionals. Cleaning is one thing. Knowing that your heating system gets the green light from expert HVAC specialists provides peace of mind. You’ll go into fall and winter knowing you’ll stay toasty warm when it’s blustery cold outside.

Your friends at Sinclair want your heating and cooling system to operate at peak efficiency. We want your energy bill to be as low as possible. A clean running system will make that happen. Call us today! 806-454-9332
