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Lubbock Air Conditioning Tips: How to Feel Air Flow

When I used to run air conditioning repair calls with my dad he would show customers some easy tips to help them with staying cool for the summer. Most of the time customers would complain about not being able to feel cool air so I wanted to share these same tips with you so that you will be ready for a summer that I think will be extremely hot!

1. Leave the Fan set to “On”

One of the common misconceptions that people have with their air conditioning equipment is that running the fan will cause the system to run more or raise your energy bill. In reality this has the opposite effect. Setting your thermostat fan setting to the “On” position will constantly circulate air in the house that feels cooler to the skin. This will also help the air conditioning compressor to not run as much, which helps you to save money on your energy bills.

2. Turn Fins of Supply Grills Down

This is one of those tips that I never thought of until I saw my Dad show this to a customer. On this particular call there was nothing wrong with the air conditioning system but the customer didn’t think that the system was cooling like it should because they could not feel cold air. So, my dad asked the customer if they would be willing to try something in order to help them feel the air. He went to one of the grills in the master bedroom and angled the fins on the supply grill down towards the bed (pictured above). He had the customer sit on the bed and they could not believe the difference! It was that simple and no extra money had to be spent.

These are just a couple of tips on how to help cool your home and be able to feel the cool air this summer. Sometimes Lubbock air conditioning systems can be easy to fix and sometimes they can be hard. These tips are definitely money savers and let me know if you have more tips to share.
